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教师招聘初中英语《Wild animals》说课稿

http://www.hteacher.net 2024-01-30 10:15 教师招聘网 [您的教师考试网]


Here comes the most important part — teaching procedures, which include six steps: lead-in, presentation, practice, consolidation, summary, and homework.

In order to realize the teaching process systematically, properly and efficiently, under the principle of “students as the teaching subject, teachers as the leading role”, I divide the teaching process into six steps.

Step 1. Lead-in

In this step, I will play a clip from the movie The Lion King and ask students to conclude all the kinds of animals they can find from this clip. Then I will show pictures of pet dogs and cats. Based on these pictures, students need to tell the differences between the animals on the pictures and the ones from the movie clip.

Step 2. Presentation

In this step, firstly, I will present the pictures of six animals: dolphin, bear, tiger, giant panda, squirrel, and zebra, then ask students what they can see on the pictures to review the learned words “bear” and “tiger” and elicit the new words “dolphin, giant panda, squirrel and zebra”.

Then, according to the pictures, I will ask students if they like these animals. Show the pictures of Millie, Peter, Kitty and Simon, then invite students to relate the pictures about animals with these four people and guess what they may talk about to predict the main idea of their conversation. After that I will play the tape for the first time and students confirm their predictions.

Students open their books and listen to the tape for the second time. After listening, I will ask students to make a list about the animals they like by using the sentence pattern “What wild animals does Millie/ Peter/ Kitty/ Simon like best?”. Students need to present their list based on the dialogue using the sentence pattern “Millie/ Peter/ Kitty/ Simon likes…best” Then they should answer my question “Of all the animals we learned today, what wild animals do you like best?”

For the last part of this step, I will play the tape for the last time and students read after the tape. Meanwhile they should pay attention to their pronunciation and intonation.

Step 3. Practice

In this step, I will design two activities.

Activity 1: You do, I guess.

Students work in pairs. One student imitates the actions of a wild animal they learned today, and the other guesses the name of the wild animal.

Activity 2: Role-play

The teacher divides the class into groups of four and asks each group to role paly the conversation. Then teacher will pick some groups to present their performance.

Through these activities, students can learn to use these words and sentences gradually. They can also have a better understanding of the newly learned knowledge and conversation.

Step 4. Consolidation

In this step, students work in groups to discuss about the wild animals they like best and give their reasons. During the discussion, key sentences should be used. They need to make a report about their group discussion and each group sends a group representative to share the report with the whole class.

Task-based teaching method is adopted to help to develop students’ ability of listening and language application. In addition, the spirit of cooperation will be enhanced greatly.

Step 5. Summary

In this step, students will be asked what they have learned in this class, and I will make supplements if necessary. Besides that, I will emphasize the importance of protecting nature and animals.

Step 6. Homework

After class, Students make up stories about wild animals and act out their stories in the next class.


Last but not least, my blackboard is designed like this:









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